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Hello and thanks for stopping by. We are here to share informative and engaging topics in web design, programming, seo, social media, internet marketing, technology (mobile devices, computers, apps), Crypto and business tips! From time to time, we share free marketing reports, product reviews, video tutorials and other useful tips. Also watch out for special offers, hot news, announcement and service status on our blog posts. Feel free to join in the discussions, we love hearing from readers.
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Give Content Away for Free And Recycle It

You’ve probably heard a lot of top marketers recommending you give things away for free. This can be hard to take in, especially if you’re not earning much money yet. However, giving things away for free has the power to earn you a lot more money in the long run.

Don’t be afraid of the fact that people won’t want to buy from you if you give them information for free. In fact, it makes them more likely to want to buy from you in future.

Things you can give away include: interview transcripts with other people in your niche, eBooks solving a common customer problem, advice in the form of emails and so on.

Content is essential to your online business, but it can be difficult to find enough time and money for constant content creation.

Why not try recycling your old content? There are a number of ways you can do this:

  • Creating “best of” posts linking to your past blog posts on particular topics,
  • Turning emails into blog posts,
  • Compiling related blog posts into Kindle books,
  • Turning transcripts of video/ audio into free reports,
  • Taking an email eCourse and turning it into a webinar.

As you can see, if you get creative there are a huge number of ways to recycle old content and make the very most from it. See Content Marketing: A to Z by Content Marketing Institute for more ideas.

Keep Learning!

No matter how much you know there’s always more to learn! And this is especially true when you run an online business – things are always changing.

Set aside a portion of time, for example 30 minutes, to read every day. And this doesn’t mean reading blogs (although that’s important, too). This means finding recommended books in your niche – and outside of it – and reading them from cover to cover.

Prioritize Your Tasks And Don’t Let Business Take ...
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