Although not directly related to online business, your health is extremely important. Unfortunately internet marketers often sit down for large portions of the day. There are a huge number of risks of sitting down too much, as reported by the health experts, including:
- A higher risk of health deterioration from any cause.
- An increased risk of cardiovascular disease, lower back problem, sciatica etc.
- Negative effects on the metabolic system.
- Dizziness and possibly Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
This is why you should consider buying a standing desk. That way, even though you need to be at your desk for large periods of time, you can help combat the effects of sitting down all day.
We recommend standing desk products by VARIDESK Pro and VARIDESK Pro Plus
You should also incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. Even if you think you’re “too busy”, remember that getting away from your computer to exercise will actually help you to be more productive when you get back.
Have you ever put much thought into how your desk layout makes you feel?
Numerous studies have shown that certain items on our desks can have a psychological impact on our work. Here are a few tips:
- Personalised desk layouts encourage creativity.
- Organised desks encourage conformity.
- Decorating your desk with personal items can improve productivity.
- The same goes for decorating desks with plants.
- Leave the desk, stand up and walk around even if it's for a short time - get regular break!