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KD Admin

Preparing Images And Resolution For The Web

We know that resolution on the web is a vast and often confusing topic and some people are struggling to upload the images with correct resolution to their websites.  The fact is uploading an image to the site with incorrect resolution may exceeds the pixels screen resolution and it is an unnecessary waste of resources such as web space and bandwidth. As a result, your website will take more time to download, performing poorly and at the same time, it may put off your web visitors.

Every image you put on a web needs to be optimized.  What does it mean? Well, it means to upload an image with correct screen resolution without wasting any resources which is usually 96 or 72 DPI because that is the resolution of most computer monitors.  Firstly, specify the pixel dimensions of your image and make sure that the image is dpi 72 DPI (as recommended).

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KD Admin

Backup Your Websites Regularly Or Lose It!

Web servers are just like PC's - It's not a matter of if they will crash; it's a matter of when.  The reality is nobody thinks about backups until they are needed. The story is all the same, my website got erased, my hosting company disappeared, or the server is crashed - I lost everything!

Your websites are important and valuable. They have taken days or weeks of work to build. Your business may depend on it. Although we do back-up of all the websites reside in our server on a regular basis, but you should not rely solely on it (please refer to our hosting terms of service).  Keeping a backup copy of your website on your personal computer is a wise precaution and it's your responsibility to maintain a backup copy of your sites for use in an emergency.

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